410021 Nagyvárad / Oradea, Piața Regele Ferdinand I., Nr. 6., Bihor, RO


La Belle Époque

Nagyvárad Dance Ensemble

Love is often unexpected, whimsical and unpredictable – but always overwhelming.

Vilma, a young photographer from Oradea, is tasked with documenting the Găina Maiden Fair. This is where she meets Gyula, a musician and luthier from the countryside. Sparks fly between the two – Gyula ó asks for Vilma’s address, and an exchange of letters ensues. They reveal their secrets and feelings towards each other on illustrated cards and telegrams that paint a vivid picture of the urban and rural life of the time period. The correspondence is followed by a series of meetings. Although Vilma and Gyula are happy together, after a while, they need to face the fact that they see the world in a completely different way. They both have firm ideas about the way they wish to live their lived – but is their love strong enough to overcome all obstacles?

The performance is complete with live music played by Tokos Band, while director-choreographers Kocsis Enikő and Fitos Dezső, drawing inspiration from local folk dance traditions, evoke the effervescent Oradea life of the end of the 1800’s and beginning of the 1900’s. Live the love, join the dance!


Szereplők / Distribuția / Cast:

Táncosok / Dansatori / Dancers: Barabás Hunor, Barkóczi Réka, Brugós Sándor–Csaba, Dimény Eszter, Drimba Máté, Forgács-Popp Jácint, Imre Béla, Kádár Orsolya, Krupár Luca, Nagy Dominika, Rácz Lajos-Levente, Törteli Nadin

Vilma, feltörekvő fényképészkisasszony / Vilma, fotografă ambițioasă / Vilma, aspiring photographer: Kocsis Anna

Gyula, vidéki hangszerkészítő / Gyula, confecționer de instrumente musicale / Gyula, luthier from the countryside: Vajas Albert


Rendező-koreográfus / Regizor-coregraf / Director-choreographer: Fitos Dezső

Rendező-koreográfus / Regizor-coregraf / Director-choreographer: Kocsis Enikő

Díszlettervező / Decor / Set designer: Mátravölgyi Ákos

Jelmeztervező / Costume / Costume designer: Kocsis Enikő

Jelmeztervező / Costume / Costume designer: Cristina Breteanu

Jelmeztervező / Costume / Costume designer: Zsuzska folksufnija

Dramaturg / Dramaturg / Dramaturge: Nagy Orsolya

Koreográfus asszisztens / Asistent coregraf / Assistant choreographer: Molnár Bálint

Koreográfus asszisztens / Asistent coregraf / Assistant choreographer: Németh Eszter

Zenei szerkesztő / Muzica / Music editor: Tokos Band