410021 Nagyvárad / Oradea, Piața Regele Ferdinand I., Nr. 6., Bihor, RO



Barcelona Flamenco Ballet

Welcome to the world of suspense, intrigue, complex power dynamics, love, loyalty and tragedy – among a wide range of other profound emotions and sensations – in this new masterpiece from industry experts Barcelona Flamenco Ballet. Welcome to LUXURÎA.

Under the direction of the choreographer David Gutiérrez, who is arriving from other mainstream success with outstanding and truly unforgettable productions such as ‘Flamenco Reborn’, ‘Luxurîa’ is a brand-new flamenco show which is guaranteed to leave audiences simultaneously stupefied and enthralled for a long duration after watching. ‘Luxurîa’ has everything – from sex to scandal to total, unprecedented shock – and its deeply innovative combination of both traditional and more modern and contemporary flamenco dance makes it without doubt one of the most eye-catching new productions that there has been in recent years.

Regarding the plot and more general story outline of this outstanding new production, it presents the narrative of a male figure who is facing a number of conflicts in his life. A successful artist himself by trade, he finds that he has a great amount of ladies’ eyes interested in him. However, he discovers himself in a state of great difficulty when he comes to encounter the greatest love of his life.

Although happening to meet her by a mere singular glance – and thus being forced to immediately understand his own fate and destiny – he finds that he cannot purely love her so easily. In fact, it is the spiritual and very profound, unavoidable sensation of lust that blocks his true feelings for her from coming to the forefront, and instead means that he is plagued by the overly complex emotions of self doubt, pride, ambition – and ultimately, loneliness.


Alkotócsapat / Echipa creatoare / Creative Team

Koreográfusok / Coregrafi / Choreography: David Gutiérrez, Paula Reyes, Tania Martin, Carlos Romero, Costi el Chato

Dramaturgia / Dramaturgi / Dramaturgy: David Gutiérrez, Paula Reyes

Tanácsadó / Interpretare / Interpretation: Monserrat Pons

Terjesztés / Distrubuție / Distribution: Flamenco Agency


Produkciós csapat / Echipa de producție / Production Team

Grafika / Grafician / Graphic Design: Alba Gil

Light Design: Salvador Llorca

Sound Design: Mauro S. Rizzo

Fotó / Fotografi / Photography: Toni Jiménez, Belén Codina, Esteve Llanes

Jelmezek / Costume / Wardrobe: Hockerty, Producciones Gutiérrez


Előadók / Artiști / Artists

Gitár / Chitară / Guitars: José Castilla, Jordi Centeno

Vokál / Voce / Voice: Joel de Pepa, Rafa Bueno

Ütőhangszerek / Percuție / Percussion: Antonio Villaverde

Zongora / Pian / Piano: Alejandro Martínez

Fuvola és szaxofon / Flaut și saxofon / Flute and saxophone: Rafa Palomares

Vezető táncosok / Dansatori principali / Main Dancers: David Gutiérrez, Paula Reyes

Táncosok / Dansatori / Dancers:Claudia Martinell, Estefanía Maíz, Andrea Amaya, Judit Pérez, Alba Soto, Maria Bardolet, Beatriz Rodríguez, Judith Margón